Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Different Ways To Recycle Steel

Steel Buildings Are RecyclableFor decades, the steel industry has reduced the need for raw materials and encourages the reuse of existing products. Steel is the most recycled material - more than all other materials (paper, plastic, aluminum, glass) combined.

The great metallurgical properties of steel allow recycling to continue, without decreases in performance. Thus, the use of recycled steel brings savings in terms of energy and raw materials, every time ore production can be avoided.

Two of three tons of new steel are made of old steel. The use of ore is still needed because there are many steel products remaining in service, as durable goods, for decades, while the demand for steel worldwide continues to rise.

Reusing steel products for construction

In the field of construction, another form of recycling is the re-use of steel products. Steel is not re-melted, but enters a new phase of product use. This process offers even greater environmental benefits.

Steel recycling has a huge impact on reducing CO2 emissions. Of all greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) is relevant for the steel industry. Recycling significantly reduces the amount of CO2 emissions from extracting and processing ores. According to the World Steel Association, every ton of recycled steel reduces on average 1.5 tones of CO2 emissions and 13 gigajoules of primary energy.


Take a look at: Steel Buildings | Metal Building Kits | Great Prices From CanAm Steel In Denver CO

First Seen over here: Different Ways To Recycle Steel

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